329 results

China’s national security concerns cap record FDI lows

FDI round-up: UK launches £650m life sciences package, Malawi reforms to attract investment, Stellantis VC backs lithium–sulphur batteries

The fDi Report 2023 – Investment trends in a world in flux

UK–Japan summit: investment pledges round-up

FDI round-up: Limerick gains €630m chip investment, Africa wins $320m fibre push, Fujifilm expands in Taiwan


Opinion | ‘Friendshoring’ is coming to venture capital

FDI round-up: Cisco ramps up in India, Chinese FDI into Europe overtakes M&A, Masdar signs UK battery storage pact

FDI round-up: Putailai invests $1.5bn in Sweden, Nel to make electrolysers in Michigan, Adani sells Myanmar port

fDi Diaries: ‘Our energy is precious’

FDI round-up: Dyson invests in battery plant, Mexico gets $14bn gas pipeline, TSMC to set up plant in Germany
